How to raise a member at home (at home): the most effective ways

penis enlargement at home

If you're not always sure you need a penis enlargement, or if you're not ready to do the most unpleasant things on a regular basis for a long time, you can look for short-term effects

The member continues to grow until he is about 20 years old. Although growth stops over time, modern reality makes it possible to repair this organ. Penis enlargement at home is a very real job.

Men who are dissatisfied with the size of their dignity or who are unable to get the desired results while using home appliances can resort to penis enlargement methods. This includes surgical removal of the muscle tissue of the penis. This procedure is very complicated and expensive.

There are many special methods and techniques designed for magnification. A man can choose only the most suitable and suitable for a particular job. For example, you can increase your dignity without leaving your home by reading several thematic video tutorials that can be found on the Internet. Or widely advertised pills, gels, ointments, needles, etc.

In addition, many of the following penis enlargement methods can help to maintain and improve erectile function in the future, in addition to changing the size of the penis.

What exercises help to grow your head?

After warming up, the male genitals begin to act in a manner similar to his own "milking" method. It is important to monitor the rate of erection, which should be at the level of 50-70%. At low rates, the efficiency of the technique will be close to zero, and at high rates, only the volume will increase. Due to the decrease in testosterone levels in the body, it is not recommended to start exercising immediately after ejaculation.

  • When the required erection level is reached, the skin of the phallus is lubricated with a naturally produced intimate gel or cream, which prevents injuries;
  • The penis is wrapped in a ring around the index and thumb;
  • The ring from the fingers is squeezed and finished in 4-6 seconds;
  • At this point, the penis stretches, which will be perpendicular to the pubis in the supine position (exercises are parallel to the ground while standing);
  • For example, when the fingers of the right hand are held together, the base of the phallus is held with the fingers of the free hand and the manipulation is repeated (a full cycle is obtained).Alternative handwork should be symmetrical with equal pressure on the trunk of the phallus, which will exclude the possibility of curvature and asymmetry. If the erection level starts to rise sharply during exercise, it is recommended to take a short break until the arousal falls to the required value.
  • In the first month, 100 laps are done per workout, the structure of the fingers is light, breaks are organized every day;
  • Up to 200 cycles per workout in the next three months, the degree of finger circumference is average, breaks are arranged every third day;
  • After four months, one exercise is performed for 200 cycles, the degree of finger circumference is quite strong (painless), breaks are arranged every third or fourth day.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a large number of drugs that can increase the size and strength of the penis for external use. Penis enlargement ointments are only temporary, but have a very good effect and are therefore very popular.

Penis enlargement creams allow you to perform this procedure yourself without harming the body. All products are made from organic ingredients that minimize the number of contraindications for men.

penis enlargement ointments

According to the mode of action, drugs are divided into 3 groups:

  • Long-term - requires course use, after which the penis retains the obtained size forever;
  • Short-term - the movement lasts several hours and helps the penis to grow during intercourse;
  • Auxiliary - their use enhances the effect of other drugs designed to change the length and thickness of the genitals.

Local products

Temporary penis enlargement is easy to achieve with local stimulation of blood flow. Various remedies will help to increase the effect: soda, ointment, honey.

Heparin Ointment

Heparin ointment is a popular and affordable way to improve erection and penis enlargement. It is sold without a prescription and is available at any pharmacy.

  1. Promotes blood thinning.
  2. Prevents blood clotting.
  3. Activates local blood flow.

Heparin ointment for penis enlargement is used in one course: twice a day for a week. Then you should take a break for 10-14 days, repeat the course if you wish. If rash, itching, burning sensation occurs, stop the procedure.


Baking soda has local irritating properties. When applied to the skin of the penis, it creates blood flow to the tissues, which causes redness and slight swelling.

To increase the size of the penis, soda can be used in home ointments (mixed with aloe, honey, olive oil), as well as an effective substance in the form of a bath or compress. Read more about penis enlargement methods using soda.

Honey is a natural preservative with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. When applied to the skin, it softens, tones, improves blood circulation, accelerates regeneration, saturates with vitamins. Thanks to these properties, honey can also be used for massage to increase the size of the penis. This is the safest tool. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to bee products.

Honey can be used in a mixture with baking soda, aloe juice, bee perga, "Zvezdochka" balm to increase efficiency. The last vehicle is taken in an amount not exceeding the beginning of a match. The mixture is rubbed into the skin of the penis shaft with light massage movements for 2-3 minutes, then washed off. During the massage, you can use light stretching, bending, pushing movements - so the active ingredients are absorbed faster.

Folk remedies for penis enlargement include only the use of herbs. At home, you can find several products that can also be used to increase the size of the dignity. Some of the most popular are soda and petroleum jelly.

Vaseline. With the help of this substance, injections are made under the skin, distributed in a limited space, and the penis acquires a more prominent appearance. To perform the procedure, you need to squeeze the body, soak the oil gel in a syringe, gently insert it under the skin and distribute it along the entire length

The method requires great care and is best performed by a person with a medical history

If the weight is not distributed properly, it can cause serious damage. Doctors therefore reject penis enlargement:

  1. Risk of foreign bodies getting under the skin that can cause tumors
  2. A virus or infection can enter the bloodstream without proper disinfection
  3. Excessive use of Vaseline can cause severe allergies

This method should not be used often, because it will often lead to inflammatory processes that will require expensive treatment.

Penis enlargement with folk remedies

Of course, it is more useful to choose those that move from the many methods for phallus growth at home without causing side effects and damage to organs and systems. That is why men who want to increase their dignity choose folk methods. Traditional medicine recipes have long been used by men to revive old strength and regulate penis size.

The following herbs and foods are considered the most effective in terms of penis growth:

  1. thyme. Improves the condition of the body as a whole and the urogenital system separately. Flowering leaves and stems are used for the preparation of medicines, the roots are not suitable for this purpose. The main recipe recommends pouring 100 grams of thyme in a glass of boiling water. Twice a day I use half a glass of present, cooled and expressed liquid.
  2. Wormwood. An ingredient of the plant prevents the development of inflammation and has a stimulating effect on circulatory function, which helps the penis to grow. To prepare the broth, take 5 g of wormwood and pour 1 liter of cold water. The boiled drink is cooled for 10 minutes, poured and taken in a glass every day. This treatment tones the blood vessels, lengthens the penis and causes it to fill with blood.
  3. Garlic. It is considered a well-known aphrodisiac product that can increase male libido. In addition, with its help you can accurately enlarge the penis at home. The product is best used in the form of tincture - chopped garlic (10 cloves), pour 0. 5 liters of alcohol and mix thoroughly. The mixture is brewed for 10 days and taken 20 drops daily for a month.
  4. Aloe juice. A powerful bioprocess stimulator that has beneficial effects on body systems. It is not very difficult to make a tincture to enlarge the penis. Pour 0. 5 liters of high-quality vodka in a suitable bowl and add a few tablespoons of honey and chopped aloe leaves (500 g). Tincture is sent to a cool place for 7 weeks. The finished product is used 3-4 times a day, one hour before meals.


The plant is widely used in traditional medicine (China and other eastern countries). Ginseng root is often consumed to increase libido. Indeed, there is a complete list of biologically active drugs required for high-quality activation of sexual tone.

The most common way to use ginseng is to make an alcoholic product from the root. In ancient times, rulers also used this natural medicine to ensure that their wives would be satisfied for a long time.

Preparation of tincture involves the use of 60-70 g of dried root. Filled with 250-350 ml. vodka or 40% alcohol. Then the bottle is tightly covered, put in a cool dark place for 4 weeks. At the end of this period, the tincture should be shaken well, after which it is ready for use. You should use 15-20 drops daily for several months.

The main actions of the plant on the integrity of the stronger sex:

  • Normalization of awakening;
  • Increased power;
  • ignition of pleasant feelings in the process of intimacy;
  • Total increase in libido.

Thanks to the above properties, ginseng is the best herb to increase male potency.

It is possible to buy dried carrots or a ready-made medicine in a pharmacy, which allows you to easily achieve the desired effect at an affordable price.

Hang the load

One of the oldest penis enlargement procedures using improvised means is the use of weights and weights. The effect of penis enlargement from such manipulations is really present. The procedure includes several stages:

  • warming of the penis with massage movements;
  • placement of adhesive plaster directly in front of the head;
  • hang a load on a rope.

The first attempts to catch the load should take about 1-3 minutes. Gradually the time increases, and the weight of the weights increases.

Medicinal plants

Their regular use helps to solve the problem of reduced power without causing addiction and side effects. The most useful is the preparation of infusions and decoctions.

  1. Make herbal tea. To do this, take 30 g of verbena and 50 g of nettle. Pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos and pour three cups of boiling water. Insist the remedy overnight. Strain in the morning and 3 times a day for 60 minutes before eating.
  2. daffodil pot. Pour a tablespoon of a glass of boiling water, put a lid on it and keep for about two hours. Take the broth in small portions throughout the day and eat almonds.
  3. Make an herbal infusion. Take 100 grams of nettle seeds, rape seeds and calamus root. Add 70 g of marshmallow root, plantain leaves, egg capsule, hazelnuts and bed straw. Grind the mixture and mix. Take three tablespoons of this collection and pour 3 cups of boiling water over it. Infuse for an hour, then strain and drink a glass three times a day.
  4. clove infusion. Grind the dried plant in the amount of one tablespoon, pour 200 ml of warm milk, put a lid on it and leave for about 2 hours. Then strain, add honey and cinnamon. Drinking twice a day, the broth will increase the amount and quality of sperm and increase strength.
  5. Use Periwinkle tinctures. This plant is incredibly beneficial for men's health, strengthens the cavernous organs of the penis and prolongs sexual intercourse. You will need stalks and leaves. Take them and pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 5, insist under a lid in the sun, shaking the mixture from time to time for 10 days (activates the medicinal properties of the plant). Strain through a sieve and take a teaspoon. three times a day. Keep drinking until you have a steady increase in sexual power.
  6. And here is a recipe for a special aphrodisiac tincture from lemon grass. Pour 50 grams of this raw material with a glass of vodka and keep in a dark bowl for two weeks. Take half a teaspoon three times a day. Within a week, the power will be stronger, clearer and more durable. Take every 6 months for 15 consecutive days.
  7. Galangal root tincture. Take 50 grams of this raw material, pour 0. 5 liters of vodka and keep in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain and take a teaspoon 2 times a day.
  8. Gingko biloba. This exotic plant can only be found commercially. Contains many beneficial elements, perfectly oxygenates the blood, increases flow to the penis and improves erection.
  9. Tincture with willow tea leaves. Stimulates the endocrine system and increases testosterone production. Has a calming effect, helps relieve stress.
  10. Depraved Goat Wild grass palate shedding improves erectile function, increases libido and gives tenderness. Continuous use will thicken the sperm, increase sperm motility, which increases the chances of successful conception.

What do you need to know about massage for the penis?

male cock massage

According to the research of the interviewed men, targeted penis massage can achieve positive results after 3 months of regular training. An effective and high-quality massage for penis enlargement at home consists of 3 stages:

  1. Preparation. Wash hands and genitals thoroughly. The environment should be calm and the procedure appropriate. Then moisten a napkin made of natural fabrics with warm water and wrap a penis in it for a few minutes. This procedure activates blood flow to the body.
  2. Massage for penis enlargement. A few drops of massage oil (neutral) are applied to the base of the palm and penis. Additional measures can be taken according to one of two schemes: The standard technique for increasing the length of the penis is similar to regular masturbation. The penis is held by the "ring" of the thumb and index finger. The movements are performed on a "hard" member. You need to massage the penis from the base to the end for 3 minutes. In general, this manipulation stimulates an erection. This process should not be completed by discharge, but should be "limited" immediately after the "rise" occurs. Promoting actionsIncrease in penis diameter: The fingers of the left hand cover the entire length of the penis. It is necessary to go higher and higher along the body of the body with gentle bending movements of the right limb.
  3. The final stage. You should wash the oil from the penis and wear underwear that does not restrict movement. Do not allow hypothermia of the massaged area. To do this, you should do the procedure before going to bed, and go to bed immediately after the massage, except for the possibility of exposure to cold air.

The most popular massage techniques for enlarging a man's penis are those from the Arab world (jelqing). The secrets of effective elongation and thickening of the phallus have been passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, jelqing is still actively used. During exercise, the tissues of the fortune-teller are exposed to microtrauma.

Honey and propolis

For a long time, bee products are considered effective in strengthening the erection, used as a folk remedy to increase strength.

In the old days, men ate walnuts and honey.

How to increase potential with folk remedies using bee products:

  1. Grind the product.
  2. Pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 2.
  3. Make the mass homogeneous.
  4. Infuse the mixture for 2 weeks, shaking the bowl occasionally.
  5. Tension.

Add 35 drops of warm milk (200 ml) 3-4 times a day and drink 20 minutes before meals.

They are very easy to make at home:

  1. Put the wax cake in a bowl, add vodka (ratio 1: 1).
  2. Boil in the first bath until the composition acquires a dark brown shade and thickens.
  3. Add oil (pork, badger) without removing from the steam bath. This ratio is 1: 1.
  4. Mix the composition well and make candles. Keep them in the refrigerator for a day.

Some traditional healers recommend adding another component to men's candles - aloe juice - to increase potency. The leaves of a plant over three years old are crushed and squeezed. In addition, after cutting, they need to keep in the freezer for 5-6 hours. Experts say that this way the food gains maximum strength. At least 2 tablespoons are added to the composition. l. aloe juice. Capacity improvement and recovery will take place in a week.

For men with allergic reactions to bee products, the use of such methods is prohibited. This method is recommended for men between the ages of 40 and 60. The male member will recover very quickly.

Using the pump

The principle of operation of this device is to work on a low pressure member. To do this, the body is placed in a special device called a pump. As a result of the action of the device, which resembles the operation of a piston, blood flows strongly into the penis and leaves it weakly. Penis pump is a very popular device at home among men who want to increase not only the length but also the thickness of the penis.

Is there a problem?

There are no generally accepted rules for penis size. Medicine is considering one option from a pathological point of view - when the penis is less than 8-10 centimeters in an upright position. This is called micropenis and requires help.

Often the problems are too far away, because if an organ is more than 10 cm in an erect state, it is normal

Normal penis size for Caucasians:

  • length 12-16 cm;
  • thickness 2-4 cm (in diameter).

That is, if your dignity is placed in these shots, the problem is far away. The desire to increase it belongs to the field of psychology, because in most cases there are no medical indications for it.

The penis is a sensitive organ. It has been proven to stretch, shrink and even break. Cavernous bodies are very elastic tissues, and the more blood they can hold, the larger the penis.

There are many ways to enlarge your penis. Some are more effective, some less so. You should also keep in mind that a number of techniques have a temporary effect, but there are also those in which the growth in the penis will last for a long time until old age or death.

Plastic surgery will help increase not only the length but also the thickness of the penis

Method Description
Jelqing milk. This technique has been around for a long time and involves a number of exercises. It takes time to get results.
Massage Complex exercises that are not as aggressive as Jelqing. The massage is aimed at improving the blood supply to the penis.
Plastic Surgery There are surgical methods that allow you to increase not only the length but also the thickness of the penis. The result is visible immediately after surgery. Surgery is a traumatic way.
Hanging loads The essence of the method is that under the influence of external weight, the tissues of the penis begin to stretch. It can be painful.
Penis arm Scam. In this case, there is no physical growth of the penis. Attachments simply artificially increase both length and thickness.
Vacuum pump A device for achieving a temporary effect using a vacuum.
Extender A complex structure that gradually lengthens the length of the penis.
Medications Improve blood flow and enlarge the penis due to blood flow. This is an extremely short-term effect. There are many contraindications to the drug.
Gels, sprays, ointments Like systemic medications, topical agents designed to improve erections for a higher quality blood supply, not to increase penis size.

Almost all of these methods can be used at home. All of these methods, with the exception of plastic surgery, will help increase the length or thickness of your penis without leaving your home.

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to achieve a visible result at home, in the true sense of the word. Of course, this will take a long time. It is impossible to achieve a rapid effect that will not disappear anywhere immediately after sexual intercourse.

Penis lengthening is a process that almost every man can master independently. For this purpose, almost all available modern medicines, including various ointments, injections and other medicinal or non-medicinal preparations, are suitable. If you do not believe in traditional therapy, hanging weights, jelqing, soda treatments, etc. You can choose an alternative method in the form.